Bad choices and their consequences will be with you and your child for your lifetime.
Every time YOU make a choice there will be a consequence, no matter what choice YOU make.
Every choice carries a consequence. For better or worse, each choice is the unavoidable consequence. There are no exceptions. If you can accept that a bad choice carries the seed of its own punishment, why not accept the fact that a good choice yields desirable fruit?
Consequences for Bad Behavior or Bad Choices
How many possible ways are there to play the first four moves in a game of chess? The answer to the question is that in the first four moves in a game of chess there are 318,979,564,000-is that over 300 billion moves in the first 4 moves of chess.
So, just know that in chess is not your life but consider how many days in the future from 1 choice you make today. What will YOUR life be like in 20 years from the choice today? Will it be a good life in 20 years from today’s choice?
Each decision you make in life brings with it certain outcomes. If you make better decisions, you will get better outcomes.
When you make a choice, you also choose the consequence. You will know you have made the right choice when there is peace in your heart. Every day you have choices to make, and each choice has a consequence or result. Some consequences come quickly after you make a choice. Sometimes you may not recognize a consequence until long after you make the choice. But eventually, there is always a consequence. Before you make a final choice think about the consequences. You will gain a great deal of control over the situation, not to mention respect and responsibly when you consider the consequences, the risks, and the rewards before you make your final choice(decision). Little everyday choices do not have a big impact on your future years but when the choice is a life-changing choice remember to think of the consequences on how it will impact your life in 10 – 20 years.
If you make a choice in middle school to drink any alcohol or take drugs, then the life you may want at thirty will not be good – because those affect your development levels because the brain is developing and putting these dangerous drugs in a developing brain.
Here are some everyday choices(decisions)
What to wear to school?
My homework today?
Should I go to college or become an electrician?
Will alcohol be good for making a living?
Am I friends with negative and bullying people?
Some will have good consequences and some will add years of terrible days if an addiction happens.
Consequences for Bad Behavior or Bad Choices
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