Mistakes Parents Make but Learn.
Mistakes Parents Make but Learn. WOW, I know I made probably all. But, I want YOU to know what those mistakes are. We do not want YOU to make them. Long term is not something YOU think about when your child is a baby. However, the quicker you learn to think “Long Term” for your child, the better off they will be. YOUR child will be prepared because YOU are prepared.
Help YOUR child make Self-Improvements
Mistakes Parents Make but Learn. Adversity is part of life. It helps to have some adversity so YOUR child can build coping skills that they will need down the road. Remember, YOUR child is not perfect. We all have faults and issues. Do not have a knee jerk reaction if a teacher or family member raises a concern. You are the parent, not the best friend. This can only lead to permissiveness and choices made out of desperation. Being an adult is YOUR job, not being their friend.
Mistakes Parents Make but Learn.
The following is from Ann Landers, one of my favorite people.
It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.
Tough Love is the great words from the 1970s. But, those words still mean the same today. Raising YOUR child is about Tough Love. It is tough to set goals for yourself in the role of parenting. It is tough as YOUR child to be on the other end. Have those family nights. Go out to dinner as a family once in a while. Sit down at the dinner table. Get up and fix breakfast for your child. The child may not notice, but in the long-term, they will.
Building character takes years. It does not happen overnight. It is hard work and understanding that one has to sweat and fight for it.
How Do I Work With My Child to Identify and Reach Goals?
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