Every school has some level of bullying within its walls. Bullying will always exist to some degree. YOUR child needs to develop skills that will keep them from being targeted by bullies. Listed below are the top eight skills a child needs to develop in order to avoid school bullies.
Avoid being a target of bullying
Appear confident.
Bullies look for children that display insecurity, fear, and low self-esteem.
Standing tall, hold your head upright, confident voice.
Be assertive – not passive or aggressive
Bullies do not target a child who can make eye-contact because it communicates self-confidence and self-esteem.
Do not act like a victim.
Self-esteem is a core component of bullying prevention. A child with a healthy esteem are more confident and capable and can help prevent bullying.
Bullies seek out children who lack connections or who are isolated and target them. Children who have friends are less likely to be bullied than those who are alone. Every child needs friends, some more than others, but one or two good friends are very important while growing and developing besides the bullying aspect of friends.
There are certain areas in any school where adults are not around and bullying would more likely occur. Locker rooms, bathrooms, the lunchroom, the playground or the school bus. Let your child know to be aware of their surroundings and they have to take some responsibility for their safety while at school or environments where the bullies lurk. Encourage YoUR children to be with other children or friends.
While you are talking with YOUR child make sure they understand where the bullies may be in their schools and stay clear of those areas and try to stay with other children as much as possible.
The first line of defense against bullying is being prepared. Work with your child not only on how to avoid bullies at school but also on what to do if they are targeted. By doing so, you are not only helping create a barrier of protection, but you also are instilling the confidence they need to handle the situation if it arises.
Avoid being a target of bullying
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