Psychology Today had an article where they talked to Developmental psychologist Jean Piaget. He noted that young children have difficulty distinguishing between the subjective worlds in their heads and the outer objective world. Children sometimes believe that their thought can directly cause the thing to happen. Like being angry at brother and wishing him to fall downstairs. This is called magical thinking. Prayer can be a form of magical thinking. I believe that good thoughts bring about good things. If that is a form of magical thinking then I am there. I have always tried to have positive thoughts. And still do the Ho’oponopono after 15 years and believe it. It is a clearing meditation that is from the Hawaiian Islands. It is magical to me. but it is about me and the Divine.
Remember, Dr. Peck’s book, The Road Less Traveled. The first sentence is Life is Difficult. Mixing positive expectations and keeping in mind that life is difficult may keep one balanced in the fact not everything comes out as we plan or wish.
Expectations – Does my child have it?
I do not expect anything from anyone else. Even my children, I wish them success and joy and they are not to bring me that, only themselves. I am proud of them wherever they are at in their journey. The Psychologist talks about how we get disappointed by others not meeting our expectations. I only have those expectations for myself, not others. This is my life and I am unique here in this time with the Divine.
Expectations – Does my child have it?
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