Where does YOUR motivation come from?
Other people?
Motivational speakers?
Motivation can come from all of the above or none of the above. It is again as unique as we each are. But, each does need to find what motivates us individually.
So, I can only speak for myself – I like being productive and at the end of my life I want my life to have been Meaningful and I do have a Purpose-not only this blog but I knit, I read a lot of history, biographies, autobiographies and very little fiction.
Become a Motivated Parent
I like to make this day count – I do not stress out about not finishing today – but I try to be as productive as I can each day – making each day count
Making each day count by taking care of Mind, Body, and Spirit
Mind – reading and learning every day
Body – putting only fresh organic food into YOU and YOUR children’s bodies
Spirit – know and meditating or praying to God-Higher Power
Let YOUR child answer some questions that are right or wrong:
what if you saw a friend steal something?
and what if you knew a friend was being a bully?
what if a friend was doing drugs and being self-destructive?
what if you had a friend who was having sex?
Let the child answer the questions – and most of the time they will use their own common sense of their values.
Encourage instead of a judge and they will appreciate that. For instance, the drugs and sex situations there are ideas to:
watch documentaries about sex and drugs too early
especially having a baby too young or doing drugs will both cause loss of opportunities
Let YOUR child know exactly what they are doing right and praise them on the specific item.
Being motivated all the time and every day is difficult. It is up to you, the parent, to be the family cheerleader. And on a daily basis that is hard. Just do the best you can and be motivated as much as you can on any given day.
Become a Motivated Parent
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