Dealing With Hurt Feelings
One of the hardest things about being a parent is helping your child with hurt feelings. It is the one thing that we never want them to encounter but everyone has their feelings hurt throughout their life.
One of the most difficult things in life is seeing your child in pain. Whether it is physical or emotional pain, any parent would do anything to keep their child from it if they could. When someone lets your child down it is difficult, but there are steps you can take to help and not hurt the situation. When your child is feeling down because of someone else; actions, your protective mode goes in full swing.
How Do I Talk to My Child About Hurt Feelings?
Although you may feel compelled to pick up the phone and call the school about the situation or contact the other parent-0think the situation through. Many times when people are upset they say things that they regret later. Then cuddle your little one and let them know that you always there for them.
While you are taking time to pause before moving into action, gather all the facts about the situation. Always be supportive –hugs and acknowledging your child’s feelings. Help your child understand why they are upset-talk about feelings and different experiences they may have.
Encourage your child to use words to express their feelings. They may feel sad. Give your child space Teaching your child empathy is very important. Help them think of ways they might help someone if they have their feelings hurt and how they could help that child feel better.
Do not try to fix it all. Let the child find ways to problem solve and calm themselves.
Do not distract your child from their feelings-they need to feel their feelings.
Do not punish your child and do not allow your child to hurt others with their negative feelings.
Below are some ways to be a Parent in any given situation:
Do not correct in public
Doubt their ability
Do not compare children
Withhold affection
- How Do I Talk to My Child About Hurt Feelings?
Below are some ways to help raise the development level of your child:
Compliment their character
Obedience and respect
For them for being part of the family
Their contributions to the family
The quality of their work.
Complement the effort, even when the result is not the best or perfect
Or when they achieve something new
Compliment their sense of style, even if we do not exactly share their taste.
Or their steps toward a long-term goal.
Compliment their friends
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