How Can I Spark Creativity Within My Child? Many people assume that creativity is an inborn talent that their kids either do or do not have; just as all children are not equally intelligent, all children are not equally creative. But, actively, creativity is more skill than inborn talent and its skill that parents can help their child develop. Because t is a key to success in nearly everything we do, creativity is a key component of health and happiness and a core skill o practice with the child. Creativity is not limited to artistic and musical expression-it is also essential for science, math, and even social and emotional intelligence. Creative people are more flexible and better problem solvers, which makes them more able to adapt to technological advances and deal with change as well as take advantage of new opportunities.
There are several ways you, the parent, can help the child in their creativity.
Provide the resources they need for creative expression — a room, an attic, a garage, or a corner in your family room.
Make your home a Petri dish for creativity — at dinnertime, you could brainstorm activities for the upcoming weekend, encouraging the child to come up with things they have never done before.
Encourage your child by giving them freedom and autonomy to explore their ideas and do what they want.
Encourage children to read for pleasure and participate in the arts.
As a parent, you should always be reading about History or about how to improve YOURself.
Go to the art museum, history museum and make a point to go to the library every couple of weeks.
A bookstore is a great place for children to stretch their imagination.
Allow the child to develop mastery of creative activities that they are motivated to do so, rather than trying to motivate them with rewards and incentives.
Ask questions of your child
Did you have fun?
Are you finished?
What did you like about the activity?
Listen to them and their answers.
Active Listening will help you will grow and improve and the child will grow and improve.
When I was little every summer – during school break in the summer we children in the neighborhood would put on a little theater plays – in one of the neighbor’s garage, we would set up chairs and put on the play – it was little plays like:
Hickory Dickory Dock-the mouse ran up the clock.
We figured out how to make it entertaining. The older children helped and we all enjoyed it. Had Kool-Aid and popcorn that was free of course.
Encourage, empower, inspire YOUR child. YOU are IT!!
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