Questions will be among the top 5 things that will move you upward and onward to YOUR destiny. Are so important for YOU and YOUR toolbox that it is in the top things of importance.
YOU are going into Middle School and you will have some life-long decisions to make:
Will you drink, smoke or do drugs?
What are your core values, do you have high standards?
Do you have good friends or friends who get into trouble?
Do you want to have lots of good friends?
What will your attitude be?
Will you cut class?
Complete homework timely?
What are your interests?
Do you want to try out for a team?
Since we have already talked about that a brain is not fully developed until about 25 years old. We never knew that or talked about brain development when I was young. But, over the years and more research will continue on what gaming may cause, drinking too young does, and smoking and drugs all do to the brain that has not developed fully yet.
Questions – The Crossroads of Life.
How is your Toolbox coming? Are the good things you want for your next school year in there. But, have you written down a Mission Statement just for the next school year. Today will be so much different than your day next year. Your answers to the questions may be different in one year. Some will and some will not. the development will depend on several things. Willingness to listen and to do your job at school and at home. YOUR job is to be a good student and do your chores at home. Parent, parents, or guardians are trying to do their job.
Questions – The Crossroads of Life.
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