Anger – a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong
Anger is a normal human emotion – keep it in check
Let it go
There are ways to be able to move beyond any anger:
Anger a normal human emotion
Never let anger consume YOU for more than 20 minutes
Volunteer work
I have used all of these over my lifetime, and YOU and YOUR child should use these and however YOU can think to help resolve this anger
Change the way YOU think
Be careful of the words you use when you are angry – maybe it is best not to talk at all for angry words are difficult to move beyond.
Stay away from angry people and do not have angry friends if they cannot move beyond their anger.
Anger a normal human emotion
Here are some ways to let go of anger:
Look at YOUR code
Recognize that others say and do harsh things out of jealousy
Have a keep-calm glass or mug
Quiet your anger – sit and be silent and breathe deeply
have your bedroom be a universe of peace
Anger only hurts YOU
Blow up a dozen balloons.
Use WISE words
Repeat a happy mantra
Choose a positive and healthy outlet
Remember, YOU have a choice
Laugh at your anger
Let it go, let it go, let it go
Anger a normal human emotion-in check
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