Expectations in Middle School.
Expectations in Middle School. For YOUR Child. How important those statements are as we develop in life. This course helps to say those statements less or at least have less meaning in YOU and YOUR child’s life. That means that you take seriously the fact that knowing what is in this course will help YOU and YOUR child not only in YOUR today world but for the future of your development.
It is important to know beforehand; being proactive, and planning what is coming up for YOUR child will benefit not only your child but you also.
Expectations in Middle School.
Tips: Place for everything, Do your homework, Organize and deal with lockers, Know your teachers, Focus on classes, Get good grades, Be healthy, Make new positive friends, Friendship is important-with no special person in middle school, Know there will be bullies – stay away and never bully, Work efficiently, Join extracurricular activities that you enjoy, Backpacks-keep one for morning classes and one for afternoon classes,There will be more homework, it becomes more difficult and it requires analytical skills your child may not have developed yet. The study skills your child needs to do well on their test on Friday are the same ones she will need to succeed in high school and college or life: taking good notes and studying effectively.
As YOUR child moves towards independence, they are less likely to ask for your advice. They will come up with strategies most compatible with their learning style. Do you know YOUR child’s learning style? Learn what that style is – for their benefit and yours. Encourage YOUR child to take more responsibility for their own school work. Help them monitor their homework, asking questions and helping them evaluate what works and does not work for them.
Team efforts – parent/guardian and child
System for keeping track of papers
Planner for keeping track of assignments
Estimate how long each assignment will take
Thinking out a potential essay question or working out challenging math problems will be a review of tests
Active learning – learn the concepts, practice the concepts, making study cards, are just a few ways to learn.
Help YOUR child make the most of their time – making sure they know the basics and have a
PLAN – always have a PLAN
PLANNING is #1 for most successful adults
Expectations in Middle School.
Could have
Should have
Would have
Helping My Child Understand There Are Consequences for Bad Behavior or Bad Choices
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