What is Acceptable Behavior? A child works to perfect the adult they will become. Then we must look at the patterns of behavior that emerge in childhood as indicators of the adult personality. This perspective requires that we consider more seriously the impact that the child’s environment will have on the developing young mind and spirit. The child that is two to six years of age is attempting to understand the ways of the world. Everything is foreign and new to them. Remember those days? The child looks for repetition in order to confirm general knowledge.
What is Acceptable Behavior?
Most adults do not realize the significance of their day-to-day interactions with young children. I always took my day-to-day interaction with my children very seriously as they were developing. I probably did not every day think about it but I did think about the long-term effects of our words and actions.
Carefully evaluate the way that your child behaves and interacts with you and others. Are you encouraging the characteristics that you desire or if you facilitating the development of less positive patterns of behavior? Your child will behave precisely as you have trained them. It is your responsibility to help them develop [positive patterns of behavior that will enable them to be competent, capable, contributing members of our society when they reach adulthood.
What is Acceptable Behavior?
The following are some guidelines for behavior as your child develops:
Have a clear set of rules and routines
Be consistent
Concentrate on shaping positive behavior
Structure of the environment to support appropriate behavior
Allow children to make acceptable choices so they learn to make good decisions
Allow children to experience logical consequences
Observe children and anticipate problems
Ignore misbehavior when appropriate
Interrupt or stop behavior that is harmful or unfair
Treat children with “unconditional positive regard”
Give many, many Hugs
By watching and imitating others, young children learn how to interact socially. They learn acceptable and unacceptable kinds of behavior. Two of the biggest challenges children face are learning acceptable behavior and being able to control their own behavior. Help the child to feel secure and let them know you are there to help them. Let them know when they have done something that you approve of. Encourage them to use language to express their needs, wants, and feelings. Help your child deal with conflict constructively. Give them choices and let them make some decisions. Respect their individual preferences for time away from the group. Help them feel good about themselves and to appreciate, care and respect others
What is Acceptable Behavior?
Every day it matters about your words and your tone to your child. And it forms their acceptable behavior as they go from toddlers through high school. Those words and tone is acceptable behavior
What is Acceptable Behavior?
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