What are you Life Questions?
There should be some questions YOUR child wants to be answered. Ask YOUR child questions that they may want answers for. If they ask you questions that you may not know the answers to then you go and do your research and read about those questions. It helps in your and your child’s bonding and learning to trust each other more.
What are some of the questions your child may ask? Will I be smart? How about if I will be handsome? Will I be pretty? We each are different and most people you see today in advertisement and/or entertainment really have had lots of surgeries to look good. So, my answer to looking at those people I would say they are artificial people and most people would never want to look like an artificial person. I would not want to and I would hope you do not either.
So to be successful and to be handsome or beautiful YOUR child needs to only do 2 things. They need to do well at their schoolwork and take care of themself in their mind, body, and spirit. That pretty much covers it but those 2 things are the most important 2 things that they can do with their lives.
Stay away from mean, jealous, envious, needy, bullies. And it is a good thing to watch and listen to what is going on around you, in your neighborhood and school also. And there have been many success stories of people who were born in poor parts of the world or countries and have become very successful adults. There are wonderful books written by these people or biographies written about these people. Reading will be one of the most important things in your life if you want to succeed at whatever it is. But, read and read some more. Do your homework well or get the tutor to help.
What are your Life Questions?
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